Orphanage Ministry

Since 2007 we have supported Streams of Mercy directly to meet the needs of the most needy individuals in nations around the world.

Permaculture Farm

Established in 2018 with the tools and resources provided for self-sustainability and independence.

Soccer Academy

Comprising of over 60 kids that attend school, practice and play matches 5-6 days a week on a real pitch with artificial turf.

Your donations and support save thousands of lives.

Our family has personally traveled to all of the orphanages we support in India, Africa and Jamaica, and participated firsthand in the care of these beautiful children.

During the pandemic, the farm literally saved people’s lives.

We thank you for your support, and urge you to donate in continuing to make a difference all around the world.

The goal is to create community and team unity to offer a sense of purpose and hope to play at a higher level.

We have an opportunity to expose them to agents that spots talent to be recruited to a professional team around the globe.